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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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Do you submit genomes to NCBI’s GenBank? Beginning March 2025, GenBank will no longer accept AGP files for genome submissions. Historically, AGP files were submitted along with contigs as necessary information for constructing assemblies. However, thanks to technology improvements, more and more whole genome shotgun (WGS) sequences submitted to NCBI are gapped assemblies (assemblies with inserted Ns for gaps).
Instead of providing contigs and accompanying AGP file(s), please prepare your WGS submission as a gapped assembly. The submission portal user interface for WGS submission will have fewer questions and will be more streamlined.
For more information, visit our GenBank Genome Submission guide.
Please reach out to us if you have questions or would like to provide feedback.
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