Dental Techniques and Guides

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Dental Insights

Evidence-Based Knowledge Shared

Steps for the Immediate Provisional Implant Crown in the Aesthetic Zone

Preservation of the mucosal marginal tissue and papilla around implant restorations is critical to the esthetic success of an implant. Especially in the anterior esthetic zone, preventing gingival recession is of utmost importance in order to avoid the creation of black triangles or uneven gingival zenith levels as a result of papilla or mid-facial recession, respectivel.

How to Benefit from Silver Diamine Fluoride

Although SILVER DIAMINE FLUORIDE does not restore form and function, its powerful caries-arresting properties allow it to be an important product that can be effectively utilized in multiple clinical situations.

Composite Class V Restorations – Lesion-Specific Approaches

Dr. Stevenson describes the three different types of cervical lesions and how to design preparations and use appropriate restorative materials for each.

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