What is Laser Dentistry? – Hughes Dental Repair

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Laser dentistry is a type of specialized dentistry that utilizes specially-designed laser systems for the purpose and intent of treating a wide array of dental conditions and issues. Commercially, it became part of the dental practice for procedures that directly involved tooth tissue in the year of 1989. The term “LASER” stands for “Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. In laser dentistry, the light beam is created by an instrument. When the beam comes into contact with the tissue, it manipulates that tissue. Continue reading to learn more.

Laser Dentistry

What is a Laser in Dentistry?

The laser is a beam emitted from a pre-designed instrument that is utilized in dentistry for the purpose and intent of removing tooth decay, preparing present enamel for a dental filling, reshaping the gum tissue, removing lesions, removing tissue for biopsies, removing bacteria from the mouth during the procedure of a root canal, and more.

Is Laser Dentistry Effective?

Yes, laser dentistry is a fast and highly effective solution in the dental industry. It utilizes both light and heat to perform a variety of tasks. It is a minimally-invasive procedure that allows dental professionals to easily – and painlessly – perform work inside of the mouth.

Can Lasers Remove Cavities?

Yes, the lasers utilized in the dental industry are able to quickly remove cavities within the mouth. Many patients find that they prefer laser treatment for cavities because of the fact that they do not typically have to have anesthesia or Novocain shots to numb the inside of the mouth. It is almost completely painless for most patients. If you are a dental practitioner, it is in your best interest to offer these treatments to your patients.

Is Laser Dentistry Better Than Drill?

Yes, laser dentistry is much better than utilizing a drill because of the fact that it does not produce uncomfortable and scary vibrations and it is painless. The laser instrument utilized produces a very focused beam that may focus on specific areas of the mouth with a high level of precision. Additionally, in most instances, there is no need for anesthesia of any type. Most patients are able to bypass having a numbing shot in the mouth when they elect to utilize a laser dentistry treatment.

How Do Dental Diode Lasers Work?

Dental diode lasers are a type of directly absorbed energy that is utilized for the purpose and intent of cutting. This energy is directly absorbed in the body through water, hemoglobin, pigmentation, and melanin. The focused beam of the laser will only apply to the tissue. It is not strong enough to cut through bone. However, laser treatments may be used in conjunction with other dental instruments that are designed to cut through bone for the purpose of addressing tissue-based issues within the mouth.

Can Laser Dentistry be Used in a Root Canal?

Yes, laser dentistry may be used for root canals. In fact, it is not the advised method because it is less aggressive. Furthermore, it is less painful for a patient. Additionally, those that get a root canal with a laser often have a quicker recovery with fewer complications such as inflammation and bleeding.

When laser dentistry is utilized, the root canal is finished more quickly and the patient does not have to make as many trips to the dentist. Furthermore, this is highly effective in limiting the necessity for the use of a local anesthetic.

Is Laser Deep Cleaning Effective?

Yes, laser deep cleaning is highly effective. In fact, this technique for deep cleaning is now the preferred choice among both dental practitioners and their patients. It is considered to be a gentle approach. Patients find that they experience less discomfort, pain, swelling, and bleeding after having this procedure done. Best of all, the regular diet of the patient may be continued much quicker than after that of a traditional deep cleaning.

Is Gum Lasering Safe?

Yes, gum lasering is safe. In fact, it is now considered to be one of the safest treatments available within the dental industry. While there are risks, they are quite low. In fact, bleeding and infection are rarely experienced after a gum lasering procedure.

Contact Us Today

If you specialize in laser dentistry, we here at Hughes Dental would like to let you know that although we don’t work on laser instruments, we do specialize in the cleaning, maintenance, and repair of various types of dental handpieces! To learn more, give us a call today at: 1-800-773-0800

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