Failure to Repair Your Sirona Dental Handpieces Could Result in Negative Consequences for Your Dental Practice

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Sirona dental handpieces are considered to be among the most durable and highest-quality dental instruments currently on the market. When you bring these wonderfully-crafted dental handpieces into your practice, you will immediately find that they have greater levels of speed than other brands and are exquisitely designed to ensure optimal comfort – in terms of ergonomics. You will experience improved levels of control and will be amazed at their exceptional durability.

Your Sirona dental handpieces will require regular maintenance. Eventually, they may require repairs. If you fail to repair these instruments, when necessary, you will quickly find that your dental practice will suffer.

Sirona Handpiece

What Makes Electric-Driven Sirona Handpieces the Best?

The secret to electric-driven Sirona dental handpieces is the immense torque and significantly less noise as a result of the included micromotor. While first revealed by the company nearly 5 decades ago, this amazing power device delivers exceptional levels of power. As a result, practitioners are able to engage in more activities and experience higher levels of precision in cutting. Tasks are capable of being completed more quickly and patients are more comfortable. The instruments are so durable and advanced that most practices become completely dependable on them.

If you fail to maintain these dental handpieces – eventually – you will encounter an issue and a repair will be necessary. If you do not have the repairs done immediately, the dental instrument may become loud, start to vibrate, and the number of activities that you can do with it will be drastically reduced. It will become uncomfortable for you and uncomfortable for your patients. As a result, you will find that your clients become dissatisfied. While it is true that Sirona is the best, your failure to properly maintain and immediately repair the instruments will result in the worst-case scenario for your dental practice.

Needed Repairs Result in Discomfort

Sirona specializes in designing dental handpieces that have the highest level of comfort. The casing is composed of the highest-quality titanium which makes way for a surface that is easy to grip and warm upon touching. The contours are smooth and flow optimally ensuring the highest level of efficiency when gripping the instrument. The internal motor is strategically located. This allows for optimal balance and eliminates the possibility of fatigue to be experienced during dental procedures. If a repair is needed to one of the components of your Sirona handpieces, it should be handled immediately. If not, it could result in unnecessary vibrations and an issue with the balance – which could result in discomfort for both you and your patients.


Dental practices that have a desire to create a state-of-the-art facility often turn to Sirona because of the innovation and technology associated with the brand. Examples include a wide assortment of head pieces, lightweight casings, and SmartClip technology. It is essential to have regularly scheduled maintenance on your dental instruments to ensure the consistency of the innovative technology associated with Sirona products. If you fail to do this and a repair becomes necessary, you should take the time to have the unit fixed immediately. The faster a problem is resolved, the better. If you wait too long, you may lose the innovative functionality of your dental handpieces, which will have negative consequences in your practice.

5 Must-Do Steps to Avoid Breakdown

Regular maintenance is a critical component to extending the life of your Sirona dental handpieces. The following outlines 5 steps that should be taken regularly to avoid breakdown and the need for repairs:

  1. When caring for your dental handpieces, only utilize cleaning products and lubrication products that are specifically designed for that dental instrument. You will find this information in the manufacturer paperwork included with the device upon purchase. Pay close attention to all details regarding the various components of your Sirona dental instruments such as caring for the couplers, the nozzles, and all related adapters.
  2. When cleaning the Sirona dental handpieces in your practice, it is imperative that you avoid using disinfectants that include chemicals. If you do, the heat from the unit will react with the chemicals in the disinfectant. As a result, the metal casing of the instrument will be negatively impacted. You will find that corrosion may occur. Additionally, the chemicals may start to build up on the surface of the casing, which results in degradation.
  3. Once you use the dental handpiece, you will find that it is warm following usage. The instrument should be allowed to cool down naturally. You should never attempt to cool it by running it under cold water. Not only do you put the casing at risk for damage that needs to be repaired, you will also jeopardize the turbine.
  4. When oiling your Sirona dental handpieces, it should be applied according to the manufacturer instructions. If it is not appropriately oiled, it could result in the lubricant not reaching the bearings. If you run it without oiled bearings, it could damage the instrument and you will find that it needs to be repaired after.
  5. Finally, once the oil has been appropriately applied to the instrument, it should be ran to expel any of the excess oil remaining inside. Too much oil inside could result in the instrument needing to be repaired. This step should always be done prior to the initiation of the autoclaving that is necessary.

Contact Us Today

We here at Hughes Dental specialize in both dental handpiece maintenance and dental handpiece repairs. We have the skills, knowledge, and tools to appropriately care for your Sirona dental instruments. You may ship your instruments to us – free of charge – for inspection, maintenance, and repair (if necessary). If you would like to learn more about our processes or the repair process, you may contact us by telephone today. In addition to the services that we offer, we also offer a large line of products, components, and tools for your dental practice: 1-800-773-0800

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